Terna / promoter

Annual meeting

The Terna Group owns the Italian high-voltage and very-high-voltage electricity transmission grid (NTG), one of the most modern and technologically advanced in Europe. It is the largest independent transmission system operator (TSO) in Europe. It performs a public service role, which is indispensable for ensuring the country’s electricity supply and enabling the operation of the entire national electricity system. With 75,140 km of lines under management, 30 interconnections with foreign countries, and 5,927 employees as of 31 December 2023, the Group carries out the planning, development, and maintenance of the grid, bringing together expertise, technology, and innovation to manage the transmission of high-voltage electricity in the best possible way. It also ensures dispatching, i.e. the activities necessary to maintain the balance between electricity supply and demand, 24 hours a day and throughout Italy, through the operation of the system. This continuous management of energy flows through the grid makes Terna the country’s system operator and enabler of the electricity system in the context of the energy transition towards environmentally friendly sources.