ITA Airways is a company currently wholly owned by the Ministry of Economy and Finance for the exercise of activities in the air transport sector. The company has been in operation since November 2020, aiming to create an efficient, innovative air carrier and become the benchmark in guaranteeing Italy quality connectivity both with international destinations, so as to boost tourism and foreign trade, and within the country, also exploiting integrated mobility. ITA Airways puts the best customer service at the centre of its strategy through strong digitisation of processes that ensure a best-in-class experience and personalised services, combined with sustainability in its environmental aspect (new technologically advanced green aircraft, use of sustainable fuels), social aspect (equality and inclusion for a genderless company) and governance aspect (integration of sustainability in internal strategies and processes). ITA Airways will also equip itself with a modern, environmentally-friendly fleet that will include state-of-the-art technology to optimise efficiency and quality.