Coldiretti is the leading organisation of agricultural entrepreneurs in Italy and Europe, with 1.6 million members and a widespread presence throughout the country. It has 20 regional, 95 provincial and inter-provincial federations, 869 Area Offices, and 3,576 municipal sections, reaching almost every Italian municipality. Led by President Ettore Prandini and Secretary General Vincenzo Gesmundo, Coldiretti represents agricultural enterprises, cooperatives, fishing, and the agri-food chain. With the “Filiera Agricola Italiana” project and the Campagna Amica Foundation, it offers a European zero km network with 20,000 points, including farms, markets, agritourisms, shops, restaurants, and urban gardens. It also founded Filiera Italia, uniting agriculture and the food industry to enhance Made in Italy. Founded by Paolo Bonomi on 30 October 1944, Coldiretti has been a point of reference for the Italian farming world. Bonomi, born in Romentino (Novara) in 1910, was president until 1980 and promoted the protection of the agricultural sector through his social and political commitment.