Centromarca / promoter

Annual meeting

Centromarca, the Italian Brand Industry Association, promotes the culture and values of the brand, contributing to the growth of the market and society. Founded in 1965, it brings together some 200 companies representing over 2,400 major brands in the immediate and durable consumer sectors: food, beverages, home and personal care, electronics, DIY, toys, and home entertainment. Altogether, member companies generate a turnover of €67 billion, a shared value of €87 billion and provide direct employment for almost 97,000 people. Centromarca is committed to supporting innovation and social responsibility through initiatives aimed at enhancing the strategic importance of the brand for the economic system. At the institutional level, the Association is a member of Confindustria and AIM (Association des Industries de Marque), which represents the brand industry in Europe, strengthening the dialogue between companies and institutions for sustainable and competitive development.