Using technology to drive the digital transition and help accelerate the sustainable growth of the economy and society, bringing value and prosperity to people, companies, and institutions. This is the objective pursued by TIM in Italy and Brazil, where the company offers individuals and families fixed and mobile telephony services and products for communication and entertainment, and accompanies small and medium-sized enterprises towards digitalisation with a portfolio tailored to their needs. Cloud, IoT, and cybersecurity are at the heart of TIM Enterprise’s end-to-end solutions for businesses and public administrations, which implement the country’s digital transformation by taking advantage of the largest network of data centres in Italy, the expertise of Group companies such as Noovle, Olivetti, and Telsy, and partnerships with leading groups. The 4G and 5G mobile network infrastructure and the international fibre fixed network are developed through Sparkle. Through Fondazione TIM in Italy and Instituto TIM in Brazil, the company also supports projects of high social interest.