Federcasse, Federazione Italiana delle Banche di Credito Cooperativo e Casse Rurali (Italian Federation of Cooperative Credit Banks and Rural Banks), is the Association representing the 218 Cooperative Credit Banks, present with more than 4,000 branches throughout Italy, and the various system bodies (Cooperative Banking Groups, bodies and companies, local federations), with the task of protecting and enhancing the unique and original experience of mutual banking. Mutuality that finds its main reference in Article 45 of the Constitution and in a set of regulations (above all, the Consolidated Banking Law) that define its specificity and originality. Established in 1909 as the first unitary national federation of Rural Banks, Federcasse performs representative functions vis-à-vis the various institutional interlocutors and public opinion and provides legal, fiscal, trade union, organisational, communication, and training assistance to the entire credit cooperative system. Federcasse is a founding member and adherent of the Association of European Cooperative Banks (EACB).