Confcooperative / promoter

Annual meeting

Confcooperative is the largest Italian organisation for the representation, assistance, and protection of the cooperative movement and social enterprises. It has over 16,500 cooperatives, 540,000 employees, a turnover of €82 billion and more than 3.2 million members. Founded in 1919, it is inspired by the principles of the Church’s social doctrine and promotes cooperation as a business model recognised by Article 45 of the Constitution. It is structured into 22 regional, 36 territorial and eight sector federations, including FedAgriPesca and Federsolidarietà, and supports the development of cooperatives at every stage. Associated with organisations such as the International Cooperative Alliance, it promotes cooperativism in Italy and worldwide, including in developing countries. Confcooperative has overcome crises such as the fascist period and contributed to post-war reconstruction, expanding in key sectors such as agriculture, credit, and welfare. Today, it leads innovations such as energy communities and community cooperatives to counter depopulation and ensure services in inland areas. With values of mutuality and solidarity, it is a pillar of sustainable and inclusive growth for Italy.