Cia-Agricoltori Italiani / promoter

Annual meeting

Cia-Agricoltori Italiani is one of the largest trade organisations in Italy and Europe. It works to safeguard and enhance the primary sector and to protect businesses and farmers, with 650,000 members and 170,000 companies in the sector. Its national headquarters are in Rome, it has a nationwide presence and a dedicated office in Brussels. At the European and international level, it is a member of COPA, the Committee of Professional Agricultural Organisations in the EU, and OMA, the World Farmers’ Organisation.

CIA-Agricoltori Italiani includes within its organisation a network of associations, support centres and services. It lends a voice to about 350,000 pensioners (Anp), and supports about 37,000 young people (Agia) and 10,000 women entrepreneurs (Donne in Campo). Every year it assists 1 million people, workers and citizens, through the Inac patronage and the Caf and Caa assistance centres. Among its multifunctional sectors, it boasts 4,500 agritourism farms (Turismo Verde), 9,500 organic farms (Anabio), and 5,000 short supply chain enterprises (La Spesa in Campagna). It promotes the ‘Green Flag Agriculture’ Award, now in its 22nd edition.