Since 1910, Assonime, the Association of Italian Joint Stock Companies, has been involved in the study and investigation of issues affecting the development of the Italian economy. The aim of the Association has always been to improve the quality of Italian and European regulations, studying their impact on the economic system and the functioning of the markets. Assonime acts as a link between companies and institutions by submitting companies’ needs to institutions and assisting companies in the best application of laws. Assonime’s role has been transformed over time in order to keep up with the evolution of the law and meet new economic challenges, consolidating its historical expertise in the tax and corporate field, and enhancing its competence in the capital market, competition law, digital transformation, and other areas of law and economics that play a fundamental role in the life of Italian companies. On all these fronts, the European dimension of the Association’s activity has increased following the developments of the legislation produced by the European institutions. In recent years, a commitment to sustainability and digital innovation, exploiting the spaces opened up by European legislation, have been added to its traditional tasks.